I should have listened to everyone when I read about the quality issues with YSL bags. I purchased a Mini Cassandra bag last year in Japan and have probably used it fewer than ten times. Since it’s a mini bag, I only carry essentials like my wallet, a pack of tissues, and my keys. Unfortunately, the glazing on the handle has already started cracking.
I’m considering taking the bag to the YSL store, but I’ve lost my receipt. I’ll try contacting their customer service to see if they can provide a copy.
I have a few questions that I hope some of you might know the answers to or can help with:
Is it true that YSL offers a two-year warranty? And is the free repair only available if I provide a receipt from an authorized store? I’ve read horror stories where people sent their bags in for repair, and they came back in worse condition—either due to poor packaging or scratches caused during the process. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?
I just started using ChatGPT for CBT therapy for working through a tough (for me, not him lol) breakup and I wanted to share a breakthrough I had today that I found profound and helpful in my self-love/healing journey. Doing this exercise made a light bulb go off in my head and I realized this is a him problem and not a me problem and my heart feels full. Has anyone else tried exercises like this? Ps. Before anyone comes for me about ChatGPT, I absolutely cannot afford therapy right now. I’m looking for a part time job so I can get into therapy, but right now this is helping me immensely and I wanted to share to help others too.